Screw Creek Trail
The Screw Creek Trail is a low impact natural surface loop trail in Screw Creek Nature Conservation Reserve at Inverloch. The interpretive trail winds through remnant lowland forest adjacent to Screw Creek where you can follow the bollards, scan QR codes and learn about the history, environment and wildlife.
The First People’s place name for Screw Creek and Little Screw Creek is Barbinora.
The Screw Creek Trail is an extension of the Screw Creek Nature Walk starting at the Townsend Bluff Road entrance at Gate 1.
Access is from the Inverloch Foreshore Camping Reserve car park or park at Cuttriss Street and walk in. Start along the Screw Creek Nature Walk, cross the footbridge over Screw Creek, take the spur track to the left towards the fishing platform and continue to the start of the Screw Creek Trail at Gate 1.
Length and duration:
Screw Creek Nature Walk section via spur track - 1.5 km return - easy - 20 minutes
Screw Creek Trail - 2 km loop - easy - 30-minute walk, allow extra 30 minutes to view QR videos.
The land is a Public Conservation and Resource Zone to reserve the bushland as a Wildlife Refuge and is a ‘no dog zone’ with the same status as our National Parks.

Screw Creek Trail Map

Tap each link below to view the videos along the trail
The Screw Creek Trail is a project of the South Gippsland Conservation Society.
Many thanks to the organisations and individuals that made this project possible.
We acknowledge and thank our supporters and contributors.
The Trail is funded by Bass Coast Shire Council, South Gippsland Conservation Society and Inverloch Rotary. Interpretive videos funded by the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation and Heath Cosgrove Charitable Fund.
Project Coordinator: John Cuttriss
Bass Coast Shire Support Officer: David Martin
Videography and editing: Terry Melvin
Interpretive trail content: Linda Cuttriss
Many thanks to all those who contributed their time to trail and bridge construction, video presentations, webpage and photography of our treasured environment and wildlife.
Video presenters:
Linda Cuttriss, Anne Looney, Eulalie Brewster, Steve Dunn, Aileen Vening, Ed Thexton, Dick Wettenhall, Dallas Wyatt, Brendan Casey, Sonia Weston, Sally McNiece, Alison Brewster and John Cuttriss.
Trail and bridge construction volunteers:
Leo Lubransky, Brian Tew, Peter Sutton, Trevor Forge, Mike Wellings, Daryl Hook, Alison Brewster, Debbie Williams, Peter McFarlane, Dallas Wyatt, Kane Harris, Tad Hendry, John Cuttriss and Dave Sutton.
Special thanks to Eulalie Brewster, the late Lis Williams and the late Len Cuttriss for recording the stories of Inverloch’s history that might otherwise have been lost.